Electricity market
Customer: since 2001. Upgrade to EM-family since 2008
Role: System operator in Austria
Realized functions with EM-family:
- Receiving and processing of schedules according to ENTSO-E definitions
- Automatic matching and adjustment of nominations with other TSO´s
- Procurement of system services
- Auction for primary control (energy)
- Auction for secondary regulation reserve (energy & power)
- Auction for tertiary regulation reserve (energy & power)
- Auction for the compensation of net losses (energy)
- Dispatching of tertiary reserve offers
- Auction and administration of cross border transmission rights
- Settlement of all services including an interface to a book keeping system (e.g. SAP)
- Energy data management EDM
Customer: since 2007
Role: System operator in Switzerland
Realized functions with EM-family:
Procurement of system services
- Auction for primary control (energy)
- Auction for secondary regulation reserve (energy & power)
- Auction for tertiary regulation reserve (energy & power)
- Auction for the compensation of net losses (energy)
Dispatching of tertiary reserve offers
Auction and administration of cross border transmission rights (since 2011 the auction is carried out by CASC)
Processing of generation schedules
Processing of emergency schedules with other TSO´s
Customer: since 2008.
Role: System- and market operator in Bulgaria
Realized functions with EM-family:
Receiving and processing of schedules according to ENTSO-E definitions
Matching and adjustment of nominations with other TSO´s
Procurement of system services
- Administration of contracts for secondary control energy
- Auction for tertiary reserve energy
Dispatching of tertiary reserve offers
Auction and administration of cross border transmission rights
Settlement of all services including an interface to billing (SAP)
Administration of all market participants according to the ENTSO-E role model
Processing of measured values, originating from the metering system of the network operator
Receiving confirmed nominations
Computation of the energy imbalance per balance group
Settlement of balance energy with interface to billing (SAP)
Management of the supplier change
Auction system for spot trade (day ahead)
Customer: since 2007.
Role: System- and market operator in Kazakhstan
Realized functions with EM-family:
Receiving and processing of schedules according to ENTSO-E definitions
Procurement of system services
- Auction for tertiary reserve energy / power
Dispatching of tertiary reserve offers
Administration of cross border transmission rights
Settlement of all services including an interface to a billing system
Administration of all market participants according to the ENTSO-E role model
Processing of measured values, originating from the metering system of the grid operator
Receiving confirmed nominations
Computation of the energy imbalance per balance group
Settlement of the balance energy including an interface to a book keeping system
Management of the supplier change
Auction system for spot trade (day ahead)
Customer: since 2006.
Role: System- and market operator in Macedonia
Realized functions with EM-family:
Receiving and processing of schedules according to ENTSO-E definitions
Matching and adjustment of nominations with other TSO´s
Customer: since 2011
Role: System- and market operator in Kosovo
Realized functions with EM-family:
- Receiving and processing of schedules according to ENTSO-E definitions
- Matching and adjustment of nominations with other TSO´s
- Auction and administration of cross border transmission rights
- Administration of all market participants according to the ENTSO-E role model (e.g. balance groups)
- Processing of measured values, originating from the metering system of the grid operator
- Receiving confirmed nominations
- Dispatching of tertiary reserve offers
- Computation of the energy imbalance per balance group
- Account of the balance energy with interface to billing (e.g. SAP)
- Management of the supplier change
- Auction system for spot trade (day ahead)
Customer: since 2001. Upgrade to EM-family 2010
Role: Clearing and settlement of electricity in Austria
Realized functions with EM-family:
- Administration of all market participants according to the ENTSO-E role model
- Processing of measured values, originating from the metering system of the grid operator
- Administration of load profiles
- Receiving confirmed nominations
- Computation of the energy imbalance per balance group
- Risk monitoring
- Settlement of the balance energy including an interface to a book keeping system (SAP)
Customer: since 2002. Upgrade to EM-family 2011
Role: Energy stock exchange in Austria with Hub in Germany
Realized functions with EM-family:
Auction system for spot trade
Multi markets
Trade monitoring
Post trade
Risk monitoring
Market coupling and splitting
Settlement with interface to billing (SAP)
Customer: since 2006.
Role: Processing center for renewable energy in Austria
Realized functions with EM-family:
Administration of producers of renewable energy ( e.g. hydraulic energy, photovoltaic)
Receiving and processing of measured values of each producer
Administration of delivered energy contracts
Settlement of delivered energy by applying the agreed tariffs (approx. 500)
Proportional splitting of delivered renewable energy to all suppliers in Austria
Producing and dispatch of ESS schedules
Risk monitoring
Interface to SAP
Customer: since 2009 in cooperation with RIECADO and ATOS
Role: Central allocation office (Central- and Eastern Europe including TSO´s “50 HzT”, Tennet, CEPS, SEPS, PSEO, Mavir, APG, ELES) for cross border transmission rights.
Realized functions with EM-family:
Administration of control areas and its borders
Auctions for cross border transmission rights (NTC and/or flow based )
WEB service communication for market participants
Communication with TSO´s (ESS, ECAN)
Administration of v (secondary trade, resale, curtailment)
Risk monitoring
Settlement the of awarded capacity rights
Publishing of results and of free capacities
Interface to bank